The care awards
This year’s first prize went to Alise Ådland, here flanked by award presenter and chair of the Dignity Centre Anne-Grethe Strøm-Erichsen and host Samuel Massie.
The care awards
With the care awards we want to shine a spotlight on those who dedicate their lives to helping and caring for the most vulnerable and needy in society, primarily the elderly but also patients at the end of their lives, their next-of-kin, and patients with serious, life-threatening, chronic, mental or physical conditions.
The awards are a partnership with the Dignity Centre and are given every year to a health professional, volunteer, next-of-kin, institution or project that has given outstanding care. The awards were established in 2001 and are given to candidates from Bergen or Vestland county. The first prize is a cheque for NOK 50,000 and a statuette made by Vidar Mæland.
Two runners-up receive a cheque for NOK 25,000 each and a plaque also made by Vidar Mæland.
Former care awards winners
- 2021 Alise Ådland
- 2020 Honorary award to Stein Husebø
- 2020 Helga Lorentzen
- 2019 Tor Engevik
- 2018 Rune Samdal
- 2017 Anita Helen Krokeide
- 2016 Oddvin Heimvik
- 2015 Tor Leif Pedersen
- 2014 Gerd og Turid Reistad
- 2013 Kåre Skorpen
- 2012 Johan Krohn-Hansen
- 2011 Ernfrid Landro
- 2010 Honorary award to Wenche Foss
- 2010 Megafon w/ editor Thomas A. Nilsen
- 2009 Arne Jellestad
- 2008 Margrethe Slinning
- 2007 Åse Soligaard
- 2006 Inger Johanne Knudsen
- 2005 Amund Feste
- 2004 Frivilligtjenesten Bergen Røde Kors Sykehjem
- 2003 Ingelin Larsen
- 2002 Harald Nygaard
- 2001 Mildred Ø. Mork